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More Video Ideas
- YouTube Fan Finder Take out an add and YouTube will help grow your target audience
- Webinar Software: Helps with Hangouts On Air (HOAs)
New Questions Asked
- Why are my YouTube Video annotation links to my website not saving when I have completed all the steps correctly? To save an annotation link, make sure that you are not using a secure URL, ie: use http:// not https://
Tips and Threads for Connecting Google+ to YouTube Pages
YouTube to Google+ Page: Deleted or Close My YouTube Account
Tell me the Latest News
- YouTube to G+ Integration – Forum discussion, questions, answers, and solutions
Google Support Links on deleted YouTube channels:
- How did this happen?
- Explain more how I accidentally deleted my YouTube channel
- The fine print About Deleting a Google+ Page
- Switch Back to YouTube Username
Links to 2014 Forums and Communities for a solution to a closed YouTube channel:
- Beta Testing YouTube to Google+
- A Tale in Two or Three Parts – Which scenario matches your situation?
- Will deleting a Google+ page delete my entire account?
- I deleted my Google+ account and it closed my channel
- Reopen a deleted or closed YouTube Account Channel
- Request to Reopen my YouTube Account
Temporarily Disconnect My Google+ Page from My YouTube Account Channel
- Temporarily Disconnect My Page (discussion)
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