Schedule Pinterest Pins: A Mass Planner Review
|Pinterest Scheduler – How to Use the Mass Planner Social Media Autoposting Tool
Mass Planner Review
Scheduling posts can save you a huge amount of time. Your Internet marketing plan might consist of:
But what about scheduling pins on Pinterest itself?
Mass Planner is a social media scheduling (autopost) tool that improves your Internet Marketing on Pinterest (and other platforms). Many business owners are already familiar with tools such as Hootsuite and IFTTT, and already using these autoposting tools to schedule on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. MassPlanner can also post to Facebook, but in this post, we’ll review how to schedule Pinterest pins with Mass Planner.
Mass Planner Video:
Here’s an example of using MassPlanner 2 to post a Zazzle RSS Feed to schedule Pinterest Pins:
Top 10 Mass Planner Features for Pinterest
The top ten benefits of Mass Planner are:
- Schedule: Add pins to autopost to your boards
- RSS feeds: We can now add RSS feeds. (When this becomes available, remember to make sure your RSS feed is pulling an image to pin. Not every feed does.)
- Auto-Repin – Find and Re-pin other member’s pins: Automatically find pins to repin to specific boards. Pins are automatically searched for based on your keywords (KW), category, and number of repins. You can also set Mass Planner to repin from a random board from a list of specific boards. (This means you could enter your 6 friends boards and set MP to repin 1 pin from one of these 6 boards each day.)
- Auto-follow: Increase your Pinterest activity by auto-following a Pinterest user or specific boards. Run this on autopilot, based on keywords and either pinner authority (number of followers) or pin quality (the number of likes and re-pins an image has).
- Auto-unfollow tool: Easily create settings if you only want to follow people who follow you.
- Auto-like: Based on keywords and popularity, the software will auto-like pins for you.
- Manually add pins & Randomize posts: Set a schedule of how often to post (once per day, ten per day, and so on). You can also add multiple pins at once (bulk upload). For example: a URL page with multiple images. Next, randomize your queue so they will post at different times. Works for both images or video. Yes, you can schedule YouTube videos!
- Stats and Analytics: See and export your followers list. Also, see a history of what image and when you pinned it.
- Set a default pin URL: Save time when uploading multiple images promoting one specific business url. All URLs will be posted as a full URL. (As a reminder, Pinterest does not permit the use of URL shorteners.
- Automatically add a signature to pins and re-pins: Get creative here. Think of what you might add here to promote. Consider: business descriptions, promotions, urls, coupons, etc. ~Be nice and don’t spam or use this for bait and switch 🙂
- Bonus: Spinning Syntax: Options to vary your text to help make your posts unique.
- Bonus: Private Facebook Group to ask all your questions and receive fast support.
Sign up for your free trial here: Get Mass Planner
More Pros
Aside from the features mentioned above, you also:
- Save Time: It goes without saying that it is easy to get distracted on Pinterest and before you know it, another business hour has disappeared. This tool helps you stay focused on actions that increase your income.
- Spread out your Pinterest activity: Pinners don’t want to follow someone who bombards them with pins. Staggering your pins throughout the day is good for business.
- Facebook Scheduling: There is an entire Facebook module (not covered in this post).
- Twitter Scheduler: There is also a Twitter option included (also not covered in this post).
- Instagram: Also included as of September 2014
- Google+: Coming soon
- Research Tool: Use your stats (analytics) to connect with Pinterest influencers, active targeted authority users on Pinterest.
Any tool that saves you time marketing is exponentially increasing your potential to make money. As business owners, we need to look for ways to multiply our income. We don’t want 2+2, but instead, we want 2×2 and this tool has the potential to help us do this.
Any Cons?
You’re probably wondering, before you Sign Up for a Free Trial, is there anything else you should know?
- Free Trials End: Mass Planner is not free forever: ~ but almost every decent software on the Internet comes with a price
- It runs on your computer or an alternate server. This means you cannot login to the software from any location (unless you set it up on the virtual server). It also means that if you turn off your computer, the pins will not post. You can install it on your second computer or laptop, but remember to close it out on Computer #1, so it will be available to use on computer #2.
- Limited Analytics: At the moment, you receive stats that show your own pins, but not the number of likes or repins they receive. I’ve suggested this addition to the developers. Since the software already pulls pin likes and repins for other users, I can’t see why they would not be able to pull our individual ones as well.
- Place Pins (Map Pins): Pinterest Map Boards are new, but just in case you’re already using them—the developers have not yet coded Mass Planner to post Pinterest Place pins.
Mass Planner’s Pinterest Auto-Comment
An upgrade feature is Auto-comments for Pinterest which allows you to enter various generic, but targeted, comments that the software will post to pins on Pinterest. The algorithm will randomly select one entry from your list of comments, and post it over to Pinterest on pins selected based on your keywords. This should help you interact with the community and begin discussions. If someone replies to your comment, you know they are currently active on Pinterest, and this might be a valuable connection for you.
We love this tool! The layout was intuitive, easy to understand. I have not been very active on Pinteres in the last months due to the ROI (Return on Investment of your time), but I always really enjoyed using Pinterest. I’m really excited to use Mass Planner to get up and running again.

Where Can You Get Mass Planner?
So you don’t have to scroll back up, here’s the Mass Planner link again : Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Trial
Follow our Mass Planner Board on Pinterest
Follow Kids and Money Today’s board Mass Planner Review Tutorial on Pinterest.

Share Your Mass Planner Thoughts
Have you tried Mass Planner for Pinterest? What did you like or dislike about it?
Thanks for the post. I’d like to add the best tool for pinterest ever made..PinPinterest com here… I’m using it myself for more than 7 months now, and I’ve gained unparalleled results both in the form of followers and revenue. Some features of PinPinterest:
– Sophisticated Algorithms, pin relevant images to my profile
– Pin Scheduler, schedule as many pins as you want to
– Speed control, decide whether you want to play it safe or go on a pinteresting spree
– Free to use
– Runs on the cloud, no need to download anything to your computer
– Mobile optimised, access your account any time, anywhere . .
– Sets up via the 5-minute easy setup
– Pin, Repin, Like, Comment, Follow, Unfollow..all on Auto Pilot