Zazzle Tips for Your Zazzle Career
|A Free Start-up Business Idea for Kids: A Zazzle Business
One of the ideas expressed in The Kid’s ROTH IRA Handbook is the self employed child. Here’s some Zazzle tips to begin an online business. (Of course, this business can be done by adults too. Parents and children could each own a shop and even have some friendly competition to see who can generate the most sales.)
It can be difficult for kid entrepreneurs to get started. To begin a lemonade stand, kids need to have some cash to buy lemons, sugar, and cups. (You can borrow the table and pitcher.)
An easy free start-up business idea for kids is to begin a Zazzle career. A Zazzle website is totally FREE. Any income revenue generated will be considered “earned income” and can qualify for contribution to a Roth IRA.
Today’s self-employed child can go beyond the lemonade stands and mowing lawns. Kids are finding numerous opportunities to earn money online. Kids age 13 and older can open a Zazzle membership for FREE.
Age and Geographic Restrictions
You must be at least 13 years of age to use this Site. Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions about this restriction. Source: Zazzle User Agreement
What is Zazzle?
Zazzle is an e-commerce print-on-demand website where kids can sell digital images (artwork or photography) on products.
Zazzle account holders upload images onto a wide range of products such as mugs, T-shirts, prints, postage stamps, iPod cases, calendars, jewelry, and much more.
After becoming a member of the site, opening a Zazzle store is free. Zazzle hosts the student’s website, including all images and products, so there is no hosting cost. Students will receive their own url that will look something like:
Where it says ‘kid-business-name’ is where your child will see the name of their online business. This alone can boost a child’s self-confidence level. How many kids can claim they own an online store?
To see an example of a kid Zazzle shop, you might visit: Niko’s Art and consider purchasing his popular Secret Family Recipes Binder or you could Make your own binder while you’re there.
Zazzle Tips for a Successful Kid Business
A Zazzle business works well for kids who have both talent and a passion for at least one of the following:
- Photography
- Drawing or Painting
- Computer graphic design – abstract images
- Writers – kids who come up with cute sayings
How much income can kids earn with Zazzle? Zazzle offers commission on the products kids design, referral commissions on products kids refer, and volume bonuses when gross monthly referral sales reach a certain level.
At start-up, kids should not worry too much about the nitty gritty financial details. Computing actual profits can get very complex, especially when customers use a coupon. Kids can rest assured that computations are being done correctly and just record their income received for tax purposes. (Yes, we want to record the income so we can invest some of it for retirement! This opens a whole new discussion with your child ~ right? A good discussion!)
Instead of worrying about computing profit percentages, kids should focus on creating quality products and marketing!
There is a huge selection of products on Zazzle. Cards are an easy product to start selling because they are simple to create. As kids get more experience, they could explore more complex items such as shoes.
A self employed child can take full advantage of this free start-up opportunity. The only start-up cost is the time kids are willing to put in. AND THIS CAN BE FUN!
More Zazzle Tips for Your Kid’s Zazzle Careeer
By starting a Zazzle business while your child is young, your child can take advantage of the investment growth opportunity provided by a child Roth IRA. Additionally, your child will be working with numbers, experiencing the basics of running a business such as the concept of Profit and Loss, Income, and Business Expenses (not to mention taxes). The Kid’s ROTH IRA Handbook can help in that area too.
Of course to have earned income, there must be some marketing. There are several tips to help your child succeed. There is an online Zazzle Forum where questions are quickly answered. Sellers share their tips and strategies. There’s a team effort in the success of Zazzle. If shop keepers help one another, that just means more traffic for Zazzle, and more traffic should result in more sales for everyone across the board.
One way some kids could market their Zazzle products is by creating Flash Panel. This can be added to any website! Parent entrepreneurs with online businesses could assist in helping their child’s marketing efforts. Just display a flash panel like this one here:
Another advantage of starting a Zazzle business while you’re young is that your store will have an “age” advantage over new store owners. A product that has more likes and views is usually displayed higher in rankings than new products. This means your child’s designs should have a slight edge over anyone who opens a store ten years from now. It’s just a small nudge in rankings, but every little bit helps.
Make Money Online Using Zazzle – Success Stories
In 2015, several articles have covered the growth of Zazzle. When you join Zazzle, you are investing in yourself. If you think it’s not possible to make money, check out these stories:
- Earn enough to buy a new home … read more or view here store Click Here
- Earn 6 figures … read more
Don’t forget to also get a copt of The Kid’s ROTH IRA Handbook. It can help explain the importance of always saving at least part of your child’s income and the importance of saving early in life.
And click here for the book on how to Make Money Online Using Zazzle: Click Here.
Is your child an artist or writer? What do you think about encouraging them to begin a Zazzle career? ~ Tell us in the comments.